Sunday, 22 April 2012


Updated the blurbs on the Kindle books.  They were far too clinical; almost like dictionary entries.  They're a lot more personable now and give a bit more info where it matters, a bit less where it's not needed.  Not sure how I update the blurb to go with the printed book and since publishing, the site has become a nightmare to navigate.  It needs to be done though, so I'll have to figure it out.

What else have I done today, apart from catch up on sleep?  Created a professional-looking email template to send to potential retailers and sent it to the first one.  See what they come back with before sending any more.  Always a good idea to test the pitch!

Also reformatted some PDF downloads to 'maintain a consistent brand'.  I've learned a lot about these things in the course of my various jobs.  What I don't know is how long it will take to build things up.  As long as it takes, I suppose.  It's a very similar feeling to job hunting and we all know you have to keep trying with that too.  I'll wait to gauge success rate before working on any more design titles in print.  With Kindle it might be more a case of saturate the market.

Must remember that design titles are not my ultimate goal though and put some time in on the novel.  People are dying horribly in my head all the time and others are on the trail of the killer, but I'm not putting it on paper and that is not good.  One thing at a time though.

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